화요일, 7월 03, 2007

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Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, who are the inventor of Nude Fire Extinguisher, Transparent Plastics , established in 2002, for making a new type of fire extinguisher which can automatically suppress the fire occurred at same time that can be manually treated by hands. you can find the concept of this patented internationally fire extinguisher, which can be filled up with Dry Chemicals, Wet Chemicals, even Halon.
This Manually operating and also simultaneously & automatically erupting fire extinguishers might be replaced with your existing fire extinguishers nearby around yourself. And also we are maker of the following items
1. Automatically Diffusing Fire Extinguishers(Poly Carbonate Cylinder and Plastics valves equipped)
2. Fire Extinguishers for manual operation
3. Electrical Lamp and Lightings filled with Fire Extinguishers
4. Sign Boards/Display Board/Advertisement Board with electric lumnination filled with fire extinguishers
5. Mist Electrical Lamp for Automobiles filled with Fire Extinguishers
6. Rubber Tyres for Automobiles filled with Dry Chemical and Nitrogen Gas
7. Other purposes for fire extinguishers for such as System Equipment to be used for Twin System (together with AFFF and Dry Chemical)
You can easily find our companys blog sites in the world wide webs, such as AngelFire, MySpace, MadeInChina, TagWorld, ConstantContact, MyWay, Tripod, in the name of Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, as well as the Korean Blogs, such as Daum, Naver, Empas, HanaFos, HotMail, MSN, Yahoo, Google, BlogIn, Blog24, BlogNet Live Journal, Blogsource, Word Pad, Xanga, Imeem, World Sentiment, Tagstory.com,
Photo Bucket, Flckr, Film Loop, Live Digital, Image Shack, Tripod Blogs, Phicture Trail, My Space(More than 20 Groups), Slide.com, Flock, Snap Fish and so

수요일, 6월 20, 2007

대한 소방 공사 소개

Korea Fire Fighting Corporation , Zephyr Archangel, Gate jockey in Heaven

RockYou FXText - Get Your Own

RockYou FXText - Zephyr Archangel, Korea Fire Fighting Corporation

Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, who are the inventor of Nude Fire Extinguisher, Transparent Plastics , established in 2002, for making a new type of fire extinguisher which can automatically suppress the fire occurred at same time that can be manually treated by hands. you can find the concept of this patented internationally fire extinguisher, which can be filled up with Dry Chemicals, Wet Chemicals, even Halon.
This Manually operating and also simultaneously & automatically erupting fire extinguishers might be replaced with your existing fire extinguishers nearby around yourself. And also we are maker of the following items
1. Automatically Diffusing Fire Extinguishers(Poly Carbonate Cylinder and Plastics valves equipped)
2. Fire Extinguishers for manual operation
3. Electrical Lamp and Lightings filled with Fire Extinguishers
4. Sign Boards/Display Board/Advertisement Board with electric lumnination filled with fire extinguishers
5. Mist Electrical Lamp for Automobiles filled with Fire Extinguishers
6. Rubber Tyres for Automobiles filled with Dry Chemical and Nitrogen Gas
7. Other purposes for fire extinguishers for such as System Equipment to be used for Twin System (together with AFFF and Dry Chemical)
You can easily find our companys blog sites in the world wide webs, such as AngelFire, MySpace, MadeInChina, TagWorld, ConstantContact, MyWay, Tripod, in the name of Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, as well as the Korean Blogs, such as Daum, Naver, Empas, HanaFos, HotMail, MSN, Yahoo, Google, BlogIn, Blog24, BlogNet Live Journal, Blogsource, Word Pad, Xanga, Imeem, World Sentiment, Tagstory.com,
Photo Bucket, Flckr, Film Loop, Live Digital, Image Shack, Tripod Blogs, Phicture Trail, My Space(More than 20 Groups), Slide.com, Flock, Snap Fish and so on;

목요일, 6월 14, 2007

South, Korea, Fire, Fighting, Corporation, Korea Fire, Fire Fighting, Korea

South, Korea, Fire, Fighting, Corporation, Korea Fire, Fire Fighting, Korea Fire Fighting, Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, extinguisher, nude, transparent, polycarbobate, plastic,suppression, AFFF, Halon, Co2, Polymer, PP, PE, PC, Pete, Pet, HDPE, PS, AS, Plastic, Polyethylene, Polystylene, Acrostylene, Poly,

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월요일, 5월 14, 2007

Polycarbonate Cylinder for Fire Extinguishers

naked, fire, extinguisher, suppression, fire fighter, security, safety, emergency, terror, battle, war, South, Korea, Fire, Fighting, Corporation, Korea Fire, Fire Fighting, Korea Fire Fighting, Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, extinguisher, nud, transparent, polycarbonate, plastic,suppression, AFFF, Halon, Co2, Polymer, PP, PE, PC, Pete, Pet, HDPE

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일요일, 4월 22, 2007

Nude Fire Extinguishers

Life of Fire Extinguishers Pressure Contained & Dry Chemicals all over the world is leas than Five(5) years in maximum, as the Structure of this kind of Pressure-Containing Fire Extingsuisher have some problems at the Outlet Sprin(Pin) inside the Valves: For more details:

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목요일, 4월 19, 2007

대한 소방 공사

Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, who are the inventor of Nude Fire Extinguisher, Transparent Plastics , established in 2002, for making a new type of fire extinguisher which can automatically suppress the fire occurred at same time that can be manually treated by hands. you can find the concept of this patented internationally fire extinguisher, which can be filled up with Dry Chemicals, Wet Chemicals, even Halon.

This Manually operating and also simultaneously & automatically erupting fire extinguishers might be replaced with your existing fire extinguishers nearby around yourself. And also we are maker of the following items
1. Automatically Diffusing Fire Extinguishers(Poly Carbonate Cylinder and Plastics valves equipped)
2. Fire Extinguishers for manual operation
3. Electrical Lamp and Lightings filled with Fire Extinguishers
4. Sign Boards/Display Board/Advertisement Board with electric lumnination filled with fire extinguishers
5. Mist Electrical Lamp for Automobiles filled with Fire Extinguishers
6. Rubber Tyres for Automobiles filled with Dry Chemical and Nitrogen Gas
7. Other purposes for fire extinguishers for such as System Equipment to be used for Twin System (together with AFFF and Dry Chemical)
You can easily find our companys blog sites in the world wide webs, such as AngelFire, MySpace, MadeInChina, TagWorld, ConstantContact, MyWay, Tripod, in the name of Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, as well as the Korean Blogs, such as Daum, Naver, Empas, HanaFos, HotMail, MSN, Yahoo, Google, BlogIn, Blog24, BlogNet Live Journal, Blogsource, Word Pad, Xanga, Imeem, World Sentiment, Tagstory.com,
Photo Bucket, Flckr, Film Loop, Live Digital, Image Shack, Tripod Blogs, Phicture Trail, My Space(More than 20 Groups), Slide.com, Flock, Snap Fish and so on;

월요일, 4월 16, 2007

Korea Fire Fighting Corporation

Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, who are the inventor of Nude Fire Extinguisher, Transparent Plastics , established in 2002, for making a new type of fire extinguisher which can automatically suppress the fire occurred at same time that can be manually treated by hands. you can find the concept of this patented internationally fire extinguisher, which can be filled up with Dry Chemicals, Wet Chemicals, even Halon.
This Manually operating and also simultaneously & automatically erupting fire extinguishers might be replaced with your existing fire extinguishers nearby around yourself. And also we are maker of the following items
1. Automatically Diffusing Fire Extinguishers(Poly Carbonate Cylinder and Plastics valves equipped)
2. Fire Extinguishers for manual operation
3. Electrical Lamp and Lightings filled with Fire Extinguishers
4. Sign Boards/Display Board/Advertisement Board with electric lumnination filled with fire extinguishers
5. Mist Electrical Lamp for Automobiles filled with Fire Extinguishers
6. Rubber Tyres for Automobiles filled with Dry Chemical and Nitrogen Gas
7. Other purposes for fire extinguishers for such as System Equipment to be used for Twin System (together with AFFF and Dry Chemical)
You can easily find our companys blog sites in the world wide webs, such as AngelFire, MySpace, MadeInChina, TagWorld, ConstantContact, MyWay, Tripod, in the name of Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, as well as the Korean Blogs, such as Daum, Naver, Empas, HanaFos, HotMail, MSN, Yahoo, Google, BlogIn, Blog24, BlogNet Live Journal, Blogsource, Word Pad, Xanga, Imeem, World Sentiment, Tagstory.com,
Photo Bucket, Flckr, Film Loop, Live Digital, Image Shack, Tripod Blogs, Phicture Trail, My Space(More than 20 Groups), Slide.com, Flock, Snap Fish and so on;

토요일, 1월 20, 2007

My Daily Shapes in Video in 2007

South, Korea, Fire, Fighting, Corporation, Korea Fire, Fire Fighting, Korea Fire Fighting, Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, extinguisher, nude, transparent, polycarbobate, plastic,suppression, AFFF, Halon, Co2,

My Daily Shapes in Video in 2007

토요일, 1월 13, 2007

Geocity-Personal Page(Kffc9119)

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일요일, 1월 07, 2007

충약, 소화기 사기입니다

RockYou FXText - Happily lustful year 2007!!RockYou FXText - fromRockYou FXText - Zephyr Archangel, Korea Fire Fighting Corporation

RockYou FXText - Get Your Own

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소화기 충약의 사기에 대하여 + Photo Trailed 대한 소방 공사 Blogs
2007/01/06 16:50
첨부파일Vul.zip (2MB)
다음에 대한 Google 뉴스 알림: 충약
초등진화 위해 재래시장 소화기 교체뉴스코리아 - Seoul,South Korea소방서 관계자는 안성시장내에 설치된 노후소화기에 대해 충압 및 충약 상태를 확인 후 사용 가능한 소화기는 정비를 실시하고, 사용이 불가능한 소화기에 대해서는 소화기 보호함에 넣은 소화기로 교체 설치하였다. 또한, 소화기 보호함에는 경고문을 부착하여 도난 및 훼손을 방지하였으며, 작업이 완료된 후 시장상인들을 대상으로 ...
[채널선택] 검찰수사 착수한 불법 화장품스포츠한국 - South Korea그동안 '불만제로' 카메라에 포착된 음료 속 얼음과 정수기 내부에 득실득실한 대장균, 나무젓가락을 넣은 어항 속에서 목격된 각시붕어와 쉬리의 떼죽음, 소화기 충약 사기와 엉터리 자동차 정비를 비롯한 각종 사기 행각 등을 다시 짚어본다. '불만 후 뉴스'로 큰 파장을 일으켰던 전격 폐쇄에 들어간 태아 성감별 사이트, 검찰에서 수사 ...
소화기 강매 조심하세요노컷뉴스 - Seoul,South Korea이들은 주로 다중이용업소나 가정집을 방문해 충약 명목으로 소화기를 수거한 뒤 실제로 충약은 하지 않으면서 소화기 외부 청소나 도색만 하고 충약비용을 받는 수법을 사용하고 있다. 소화기는 화재가 발생해 실제로 사용하거나 관리 상태가 불량하지 않으면 약을 새로 채울 필요가 없고 현재 시중에 판매되는 축압식 소화기는 압력계 ...
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장애인 재활시설에 소화기 전달경남일보 - Gyungsangnam-Do,South Korea박경표 진주소방서장은 “소방공무원과 비슷한 복장을 한 소화기 방문판매업자에 의한 시중가 보다 고액의 소화기 구입 또는 충약으로 피해를 당하는 일이 있다”며 “각별한 주의를 당부했다. ▲사진설명=진주소방서가 12일 남해 재활시설인 한아름센터에서 소화기를 나눠주고 있다.
불만제로 ‘정량에 못미치는 기름’ 등 각종 사기 행각 파헤쳐중앙일보 - Seoul,South Korea특히‘불만제로’카메라에 포착된 음료 속 얼음과 정수기 내부에 득실득실한 대장균, 나무젓가락을 넣은 어항 속에서 목격된 각시붕어와 쉬리의 떼죽음, 정량에 훨씬 못 미치는 주유소 기름, 고깃집 고기, 생맥주, 소화기 충약 사기와 엉터리 자동차 정비를 비롯한 각종 사기 행각들을 파헤쳤다.
소방관 사칭 소화기 강매 '주의'전남일보 - JeonRaNam-Do,South Korea여수소방서 조사결과 소화기 강매 및 충약 영업형태는 소방관과 유사한 제복을 입고 소방관서에서 나온 것처럼 속인 뒤 소화기를 강매하거나 소화약제 교체비로 정상요금보다 많은 비용을 청구하는 것으로 드러났다. 여수소방서 관계자는 "소방관서에서는 직접 소화기를 판매하거나 소화약제를 교체하지 않는다"며 "소화기 강매 및 약제 ...
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소방관 사칭 소화기 강매 행위에 각별한 주의 요구데일리안 - South Korea또한 충약업자들이 분말소화기 약제를 충전해야한다는 명목으로 소화기를 수거해 간 뒤 실제로는 충약을 하지 않고 간단한 외관청소 또는 스프레이 도색만 한 후 정상요금보다 높은 가격을 요구하는 등 불법 행위가 기승을 부리고 있는 실정이어서 시민들의 경제적 피해는 물론 소방관서에 대한 불신을 초래하고 있다. ...
출장 공무원 사칭 소화기 강매 기승전국매일 인터넷 신문 - South Korea경북 울진소방서는 공무원 및 공사 직원 등을 사칭한 업자들의 소화기 강매 및 충약 행위에 피해를 받지 않도록 주민들의 주의를 당부했다. 이들은 소방관, 한국소방안전공사, 한국 소방공사, 대한소방공사 등으로 위장 및 사칭해 가정이나 업소를 방문, 소화기의 충약이나 수리 또는 교체가 필요하다며 이상 없는 소화기를 수거해 간다는 ...
재래시장 노후소화기 정비·교체디지털서울일보 - South Korea이날 노후소화기 정비 및 교체에는 소방공무원 10여명이 동원되어 안성시장내에 설치된 노후소화기에 대해 충압 및 충약 상태를 확인 후 사용 가능한 소화기는 정비를 실시하고, 사용이 불가능한 소화기에 대해서는 소화기 보호함에 넣은 소화기로 교체 설치했다. 소화기 보호함에는 경고문을 부착하여 도난 및 훼손을 방지했으며, ...